

Religious Education; 

Primary resources that teach and support children in their faith journey, both at home and in school.

Designed for use by parents, carers, teachers and catechists.

Growing in Faith
YOUCAT for Kids
YOUCAT Foundation
[Paper Back] 01/08/2018

An exciting and fun new way to help children and parents to discover their Catholic faith...

Youcat Companion (Participants Book)
Fr Seán Corkery, Máirín Ní Shúilleabháin
[Book] 18/06/2018

YOUCAT Companion is a twenty-session group study programme which is both structured and...

I Believe We Believe
Caroline Farrey/ Sharpe Roseanne
[Paper Back] 13/12/2024

Here is a book as valuable for adults as it is for children. Using watercolour illustrations...

The Apostles Creed For All God's Children
Kennedy N./Myers Ben
[Hard Paper] 16/02/2022

Join FatCat, the friendly feline, as he learns the traditional text of the Apostles'...

Thank God For Mass: An Interactive Book To Help
Sue Ellis
[Paper Back] 01/06/2020

-14 pages with many colour illustrations 210 x 297 mm card back - Just as lockdown begins to ease...

Tell Me about the Catholic Faith: From the Bible to the Sacraments
[Hard Paper] 15/06/2013

How do you answer your children's many questions about God, the Christian faith, and the...

Catholic Encyclopedia for Children
Ball Ann/Will Julianne M.
[Paper Back] 03/06/2003

Beginning with the creation story, this charming book winds its way through the Old Testament...

A Pocket Catechism for Kids, Updated
Mike Aquilina & Fr Kris D Stubna
[Paper Back] 07/12/2017

From the very first "Who are you?" to the final "What other prayers does the ...

God and Me 365 Daily Devotions
Boshoff Penny
[Hard Paper] 13/06/2013

Bible-centred daily devotional book for young children to connect for the first time with their...

Big Book of Faith Questions
Hollis Gill
[Hard Paper] 15/06/2020

What do Christians believe? This book answers questions about the faith that is now more than ...

Look It Up! 600 Definitions for Catholic Kids and their Parents and Teachers
Alampi Janet L
[Paper Back] 01/02/2008

This dictionary explains important words of the Catholic faith. Set up in a kid-friendly format,...

We Are Catholic
Christine Way Skinner
[Paper Back] 01/08/2015

We Are Catholic introduces children to the Catholic faith and its traditions. Simple words and...

We Go to Mass
Christine Way Skinner
[Paper Back] 01/08/2016

With colourful illustrations and clear language, We go to Mass introduces children to the various...

We Pray in Many Ways
Christine Way Skinner
[Paper Back]

The third in our Catholic Kids' Series, this is a beautifully illustrated book to teach...

Anna Goes to a Party
Kramer-Kost Gabriele
[Paper Back] 15/06/2019

Sometimes the best teaching tools are stories! And if you have a child, grandchild, or student...

Freddie Freckles and the Sacraments
Buckley Timothy J.
[Paper Back] 30/11/2014

Join Freddie as he goes on a journey where he learns more about the sacraments.

Freddie Freckles and his altar-serving adventure
Buckley Timothy
[Paper Back] 05/05/2022

Freddie’s sister, Suzie, does not think Freddie is up to the job of becoming an altar...

Freddie Freckles Fr Tims Tales For Christian Children
Buckley Timothy J.
[Paper Back] 21/10/2009

We all know how much children love a good story. Fr Tim's tales for Christian children,...

The Beatitudes for Children
Donna Piscitelli & Rosemarie Gortier
[Paper Back] 01/03/2009

8 Ways Kids Can Grow Closer to God. When it comes to growing closer to God, kids (and adults)...

Sophie Wonders about Marriage
Debby Bradley
[Paper Back] 01/03/2014

Sophie is a curious little girl, as little children tend to be. She talks with her mom and others...

Catholic Funny Fill-Ins
Tighe Karen & Tommy
[Paper Back] 16/06/2019

If you're looking for some fun for family road trips, get-togethers, youth group parties, or...

The Church Rocks
Mary Lea Hill, FSP
[Paper Back] 15/06/2018

The story of the Church is an epic drama, filled with adventure, danger, politics, sacrifice, and...

Sophie Wonders about Confirmation
Debby Bradley
[Paper Back] 01/03/2014

Sophie is a curious little girl, as little children tend to be. She talks with her mom and others...

Sophie Wonders about Eucharist
Debby Bradley
[Paper Back] 01/10/2013

In Sophie Wonders About the Eucharist Sophie is curious about the host at Mass. Her mom helps...

Sophie Wonders about Baptism
Debby Bradley
[Paper Back] 01/03/2014

Sophie is a curious little girl, as little children tend to be. She talks with her mom and others...

Sophie Wonders about Anointing
Debby Bradley
[Paper Back] 01/10/2013

Sophie Wonders About Anointing -- Sophie is curious about why her grandmother is getting ...

Sophie Wonders about Reconciliation
Debby Bradley
[Paper Back] 01/10/2013

Sophie is sad because she had a fight with her friend Sarah. Her mom reminds Sophie about ...

Sophie Wonders about Holy Orders
Debby Bradley
[Paper Back] 01/10/2013

A little girl named Sophie wonders how a man becomes a priest. As her mother explains the...

25 Questions About the Pope
Miller Les
[Paper Back] 30/11/2010

25 Questions about the Pope explores questions such as: How is a new Pope chosen? What is the...

Loyola Kids Book of Catholic Signs and Symbols: An Illustrated Guide to Their History and Meaning
Welborn, Amy
[Hard Paper] 15/07/2018

Understand faith in the symbols that surround us. For centuries people learned about the...

25 Questions About the Bible
Miller Les
[Paper Back] 31/12/2012

An excellent, engaging 12 book series for young Catholics that fosters appreciation of Catholic...

Living the 10 Commandments for Children
Gortler Rosemarie, Pisci Donna
[Paper Back] 01/03/2007

The Ten Commandments have always played an essential role as guiding principles in the lives of...

The Creator's Love Story
Madeleine Carroll
[Paper Back] 11/03/2020

A captivating story for children that depicts God's persistent love for us through the life ...

Prove It God Revised Edition
Welborn Amy
[Paper Back] 01/09/2010

Got God? Does God really exist? What does God want from me, anyway? Prove It! God stands...

Child's Guide to the Beatitudes
Kathy DellaTorre O'Keefe
[Hard Paper] 02/05/2011

Explains a core teaching of the New Testament in an easy-to-read and understandable format for...

My Church Year Calendar Sticker Sheet Packet

Stickers add bright perspective for children learning about the liturgical year. Introduce the...

My First Catechism
Thomas Donaghy
[Hard Paper] 01/01/2016

Young believers will treasure My First Catechism because it teaches them important...

Learning About the Works of Mercy
Living in Faith Kids
[Paper Back] 01/01/2015

This booklet make learning about the Catholic Faith fun for children (6-12). The book includes a...

Holy Spirit
Lovasik Lawrence
[Paper Back] 23/01/1998

Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S. V. D. This full-colour illustrated children's book from the...

25 Questions About Virtues and Vices
Miller Les
[Paper Back] 31/08/2012

What does Jesus teach us about virtues? What is a vice? Is love more than a ...

Little Acts Of Grace
R Gortler, D Piscitelli, et al.
[Paper Back] 01/01/2002

Why do some people kneel on one knee before they sit down in Church? Or bow their heads when they...

Praying My Faith Guided Reflections For Children
James P Campbell
[Paper Back] 01/01/2008

Guided Reflections for Children, Volume 2: Praying My Faith contains 10 guided...

Encounter At Emmaus
Madeleine Carroll
[Paper Back] 02/02/2024

Encounter at Emmaus tells the story of two disciples’ encounter with a Stranger they...

What we see in a Catholic Church
P Edwards & L Madden
[Paper Back] 01/10/2017

“Why do we dip our fingers in water?” “Why do we kneel down?” Anyone who...

Saints Are Great
Clare Richards
[Paper Back] 01/02/2001

Saints Are Great! gives an account of 51 saints from across the centuries which make inspired...

Circle of Life
Sr Judith Russi SSMN
[Hard Paper] 13/03/2003

Creative Ideas for Primary RE through Circle Time, Group Activities and the Liturgical...


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